Sublime Text is a text editor that runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. You only need one license to use Sublime Text on every computer you own, regardless of operating system.
GPU RENDITION Sublime Text can now use your GPU to render the interface on Linux, Mac, and Windows. This allows for a fluid user interface up to 8K resolutions while using less power than before.
MULTI-SELECT TAB With support throughout the interface and built-in commands, file tabs have been enhanced to make split views simple. The sidebar, tab bar, Goto Anything, Goto Definition, auto complete, and other features have all been improved to make code navigation even easier and more intuitive.
AUTO COMPLETE WITH CONTEXT-AWARENESS The autocomplete engine has been rewritten to provide smart completions based on a project's existing code. Suggestions are also enhanced with information about their category and links to definitions.
NEW USER INTERFACES New tab styles and inactive pane dimming have been added to the Default and Adaptive themes. Auto dark-mode switching is supported by themes and color schemes. Custom title bars are now available in the Adaptive theme for Windows and Linux.
SUPPORT FOR TYPEESCRIPT, JSX, AND TSX One of the most popular new programming languages is now included as standard. Within the modern JavaScript ecosystem, use all of Sublime Text's smart syntax-based features.
DEFINITIONS OF SUPERPOWERED SYNTAX With new features like handling non-deterministic grammars, multi-line constructs, lazy embeds, and syntax inheritance, the syntax highlighting engine has been significantly improved. Memory consumption has been reduced, and load times have improved.
PYTHON API UPDATED The Sublime Text API has been updated to Python 3.8 while maintaining backwards compatibility with Sublime Text 3 packages. The API has been greatly expanded, with new features that make plugins like LSP work even better. The updated documentation can be found here.
Sublime Text uses a custom UI toolkit that is optimized for speed and beauty while utilizing native platform functionality.