Everyone benefits from automation. Zapier integrates your work apps for more concentration and less irritation, from side hustlers to enterprise leaders.
Multi-tasking? Zaps with multiple steps. A single Zap can include up to 100 actions, allowing you to automate even more of your tasks. We pledge not to inform your boss.
Follow your own (logical) rules. A Zap can use paths to do various activities based on if/then logic. The rules are set by you. We simply follow them.
Run Zaps when you want them to. Your Zap will only execute if a given condition is met using filters. You may also schedule your Zap to run at a specific time or postpone the action step.
Make your data fit your personality. When you add a formatting step to a Zap, everything changes. Your information is converted to the format you require. That's something we'd like to see David Blaine perform.
Additional Information
Zapier connects more apps than any other platform, allowing you to connect the tools you use now and in the future.